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Lever Handle
Lever Handle

Safety style return-to-wall lever handle on sprung rose, 19mm dia, full spindle for 34mm to 54mm thick door. Size : 140mmL x 60mmD, rose size : 52mm dia x 8mm.
4140.R.SS lever handle

Safety style return-to-wall lever handle on sprung rose, 19mm dia, for 34mm to 54mm thick door use. Size: 140mmL x 60mmD, rose size: 52mm dia x 8mm.
4140.R.SS_HS lever handle half set

Safety return-to-wall lever handle on sprung rose 131mm long x 19mm dia., 54mm dia x 9mmH rose cover, pair set with full spindle.
ET-511-A-G-SS lever handle

Safety style return-to-wall lever handle on rose 131mm long x 19mm dia, 54mm dia x 9mmH rose cover, conforms BS EN 1906 - grade 4, Grade 304 s/s/s finish.
ET-511-A-D-SS lever handle

Safety return-to-wall style lever handle on sprung rose, 19mm dia., half set with half spindle for 34mm-55mm thick door use.
545_1104-HS lever handle
D-Shape Pull Handle
D-Shape Pull Handle

D-shape pull handle 300mm x 25mm dia., concealed face fixing on rose, Grade 304 s/s/s finish.
AT79.300.5000 pull handle

D-shape pull handle 225mm x 19mm dia., concealed face fixing on rose, Grade 304 s/s/s finish.
AT77.225.5000 Pull Handle

D-shape pull handle 250mm x 19mm dia., bolt through fixing, Grade 304 s/s/s finish.
AT77.250.F1 pull handle
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